Product Category

>> ตัวแปลงสัญญาณไฟฟ้ามาตรฐาน (ZIEHL)  
>> AC/DC Current-Voltage   [2]
Universal – Measuring–Transducer for AC and DC MU2000K

Technical Data

Universal-Measuring-Transducer for AC and DC, voltage and current

Measuring inputs:
voltage AC/DC 600 V (preset 0-30/150/300/600 V, 80-120 V)
current AC/DC 5A (preset 1/5 A)
Zero and full scale for other ranges can be scaled by the user.
Easy setting with 2 buttons
outputs DC 0/4-20 mA, 0-10 V, insulated from inputs and supply
Universal supply voltage AC/DC 24-240 V
